Finishing touches before Grand Opening!

We made some progress towards our goals before the grand opening. We sealed the floor and we are very happy with the outcome! We will be continuing to make finishing touches through out the week. Here is a photo of the new look of the flooring!

Sport VS Self Defense

There are many reasons to train BJJ – fitness, camaraderie, having fun, taking on a challenge, spiritual development, learning to deal with challenges, wanting to compete – but at its core, Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a martial art. Martial arts means self defense. Self defense is a very big topic, but it has to include choking an attacker into a unconsciousness if need be. Here are two videos I’ve recently published on this topic… The first video talks about good vs bad jiu-jitsu schools, the Gracies, the necessity of learning basic striking, clinching, takedowns, and strike defense on the ground. VIDEO...Read More

The True Cost of Bad BJJ Hygiene

The True Cost of Bad BJJ Hygiene by Peter Wilson The True Cost We all love training BJJ, even though it is a close contact sport. The biggest issue, because of the close contact training partners we have with each other, is that this can allow skin infections to occur. Skin infections are not a regular occurrence by any means, but they can happen, and a few tips to protect yourself can help you reduce the chance of you being exposed to the true cost of bad BJJ hygiene. Staph and ringworm are probably the two most common infections that...Read More

If You’re New To Taping Your Fingers For Jiu-Jitsu, This Video Can Help!

If You’re New To Taping Your Fingers For Jiu-Jitsu, This Video Can Help! By Averi Clements - April 16, 2018 Lots of jiu-jitsu athletes tape their fingers for extra strength, stability, and injury prevention while rolling in the gi. But if you’ve never tried taping your fingers before, it might seem like a daunting process. In this video, “Coach Chris” of Dragon Gym BJJ demonstrates one way to tape up your fingers to keep them safer while you roll. Try it out for yourself and see if you notice a difference during training! [embed][/embed]